When do players really learn to play? At what point does it all click and they realize what function they are supposed to perform in a group dynamic and the etiquette involved? In my off-time, I rolled a hunter on an RPPVP realm just to mess around. In 3 days I'm level 46 and I've spent some significant time in 5 mans. It's been forever since I've run a non-maxlevel 5 man, and it's been really hard to keep my comments about the mind-numbing stuff I see away from party chat. Why do people do what they do? What's so compelling about breaking crowd control and screaming at the healer for heals while aggro'ing packs and packs of extra mobs.
I recently did ZF with a warlock who insisted on having his pet tank things. I'd organized the group with a prot paladin (so I can multi-shot!) and things were going smoothly, until he just all of a sudden decided that he was going to have his Voidwalker tank and if anyone else pulled aggro (including the paladin) he was going to "be forced to fear them into other groups." I brushed it off at first, but the very next pull he sent his VW into a pack, aggro'd them, and then into the adjacent pack on accident. The paladin started to get aggro to save the eventual wipe, and he got angry and left the group because we didn't listen to him. Dumbstruck, the group collapsed and everyone hearthed disappointed. Granted this was an unusual situation but the question remains, at what point to people figure out what the fuck their class does in group and can manage to do it without pissing the entire group off in the process. I suppose some never learn, and that's why Blizzard created Battlegrounds.
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