Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the happiest days of the week for me, as those are pretty much the only days we raid. No matter what happens on Monday (Azgalor wipes...rawr) we'll always take Illidan down on Tuesday. I think we 1 shotted him this week, and for a fight with so many variables, that's always encouraging. I managed to score Lightbringer Chestguard from him and Girdle of Stability from Gurtogg, therefore leaving me with 3 upgrades left in the game. The boots from Naj'entus, the T6 Shoulders and of course, to the chagrin of all mages and warlocks, the Tempest of Chaos. Without fail, a few days before Tuesday I'll get a whisper from one or two of them who are due to take the sword, asking me to pretty please pass it to them. *sigh*..one of these days..
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